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Why You Want to Get Your Child's Flu Shot Early

Why You Want to Get Your Child's Flu Shot Early

The earlier your child gets their flu vaccine, the sooner they're protected. With gatherings moving indoors and holiday events around the corner, now is the ideal time to schedule your child's flu shot.
Sep 5th, 2024

Back-to-School Tips for Kids with Asthma and Allergies

Pencils, backpacks, lunchboxes — you’ve got everything your kid needs for another school year. Or do you? Here’s everything you should know about asthma and allergy management to help your child thrive this year.
Aug 7th, 2024

What Causes Pediatric Asthma?

Are you wanting more information on pediatric asthma, a chronic disease that can make it difficult for children who are sensitive to allergens to breathe?
May 1st, 2019

8 Common Reasons to Visit a Pediatrician

Many parents choose to take their child to see a pediatrician versus a primary care doctor, as pediatricians focus specifically on the health needs of children.
May 1st, 2019